Rules For Online Classes

Please be respectful and responsible during the class.

Students and teachers both are requested to please attend online class while sitting straight on chair and table (not on bed or couch)

Online classes are not going to be same as your video calls with your friends and family. Please maintain right decorum and discipline during the class.

Please keep things formal and use formal language only. Avoid using slangs and short languages.

Please dress properly as you are in formal setting only.

Please avoid any humour or sarcasm because it might get lost due to poor connection.

Please keep discussions simple and to the point.

Please use headphones and keep the background noises to minimum.

Please don’t share your password with anyone.

Please Sit with your back facing a wall. Camera facing your face all the time. Please keep your background uninterrupted.

Please speak slow because slow connection might take some time.

Please be patient to wait for response from other.

Please avoid typing with all caps. AS IT FEELS RUDE WHEN YOU TYPE LIKE THIS.

Please use proper grammar and spelling when typing.

Please participate properly during the class. Students are encouraged to ask questions and they must contribute to the conversation.

Students must address their teacher as mam and sir.

Teachers and students are requested to please inform their family members about the class timings so that no one disturbs you during the class.

Parents are requested to provide uninterrupted space and privacy during the class.

Classes might get off the track sometimes due to background noises. If in case you have any background noise please mute your mic so that others don’t get disturbed.

Please accommodate and bear the background voices coming from crying babies or family members as you share same space with others in family.

Please be considerate and tolerant about others.

Please do not eat or have snacks during the class. You will be given break.

Please take permission from teacher to leave the class. Please avoid any disrespectful behaviour.

Please do not use any foul language.

Teachers are requested to record all your classes for references in future and for those who couldn’t attend due to some reason.

Please Help Others: The benefit of interactive education is that students can act as additional facilitators, and good teachers will allow themselves to learn from the students. No one is an expert in all-things technology. If you find that some of your students have more experience than others in using online discussion forums—and perhaps more experience than you—encourage them to be advocates and educators. This will not only give them a boost of confidence, but it will also help bring the other students up to speed. Furthermore, the students who receive help will probably appreciate it more than they will mention at the time, but will be more willing to help other students in the future.

Please No Flaming: The academic environment expects higher-order language. Do not tolerate tantrums on academic forums. Criticism, although a central part of academia, must be constructive, well-meaning, and well-articulated. Rants directed at any contributor are highly unacceptable. In addition, tell your students to avoid profanity. Keep it classy, people.


• Students will be asked to identify yourself at the start of class so the roll can be taken, you must have your camera on and facing you.

• Unless instructed otherwise by teachers, cameras must remain on and facing you for the duration of the lesson or you will be marked absent.

• Be positive and respectful with your communications at all time.

• If you wish to speak, student must say his/her name and wait to be called on by your teacher.

•Each student will be called upon at some stage in the lesson, be attentive and ready to respond.

• Do not record the class (this will be done by the school and distributed afterwards).

• Taking screen recordings or screen shots is a breach of Privacy Laws and the School’s digital code of conduct.


• Take this learning experience seriously. It will be a bit strange at first, but we will all get the hang of it and get comfortable eventually.

• Take advantage of the virtual classrooms to engage with your teacher and classmates. You may feel quite isolated at home.

• Get up between classes and move around. Use the recommendations and welfare tips given to you to support your physical and mental wellbeing.

• Let your Teachers, or Your Coordinator know if you are struggling, having trouble accessing your lessons or are confused in any way.
